1. Create a diminished triad: Start with a root pitch, then add a second note a minor third higher (three half steps), followed by a third note another minor third higher than the second note. (Click here to see a handy little guide to intervals. You need a PDF viewer. Or just right click and download it.) The letter names must always be every other letter name in alphabetical order. Example: F#, A, C are the notes in an F# diminished triad. Although spelling the chord F#, A, B# would sound the same, the chord would be spelled wrong - hence the "every other letter name" rule. For the rule breakers in the audience, this is actually a good thing. It makes recognizing chords quicker because they have a standard spelling. Imagine looking for red tomatoes if they were colored blue? Or deciphering this sentence: Eye reelee lyke cpehling werdz inkorecktley. ;-)
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