The Basics of Video Editing

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Skill Eight: Adding media files to the timeline

To create a scrapbook you paste photos and other scraps of paper into the book. To create a movie you paste clips from the media library into the timeline. This is very easy. You simply left-click on a clip in the media library and hold the mouse button down. Now drag the clip down to the timeline into the correct track (video clips go in video tracks, audio in audio tracks, etc) and release the mouse button at the point you want the clip to reside. If you want the clip to be played at the beginning of the movie put it to the extreme left. If you want it to play at the end of the movie place it at the extreme right. If you drop it in the wrong place, you can move it later (see below for instructions on how to do this).

Draging a clip from the media library to the timeline

Notice that this clip has been dropped into a video/audio track at the very begging of the movie (extreme left). This clip will be the first thing you will see in your movie. Voila! You have just created a movie! You are an artiste - a movie director! You can press the play button to see your newly created masterpiece.

Clip that has been added to the timeline
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