The Basics of Video Editing

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Skill Twenty Seven: Using and editing a title

After you save your new title template it will appear in your PowerDirector media library, where you can use it by simply dragging it to your timeline. (Make sure you select the Title Room on the left to see all of the titles.) You can also further edit it by double clicking on it. Templates like this can be used over and over again, re-edited, saved under new names and edited further - it's nearly endless what you can do with templates in PowerDirector. In essence, title templates are video clips that you can use to display text, animated and/or still, at any point in your movie. If you need text in your movie, a title template will do the job - for the credits, captions, or anything else requiring letters and words.

PowerDirector 13 Saved Title Template

To insert a title or title template into your movie simply drag it from the media library (select the Title Room on the left to see all of the titles) to the timeline.

PowerDirector 13 Drag a Title from the Media Library to the Timeline
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