Duetos Modais (2015) for Two Guitars, C 227
Duetos Modais (2015) para Violões, C 227
Ernst Mahle's newest composition is a set of eight pieces, each one based on a different mode, for two guitars. It is called Duetos Modais and it was sent to JLA Music via email on June 22nd, 2015, by Ernst Mahle himself.
The eight modes, in Portuguese, are lídio-mixolídio, modo cigano, tritonal maior hexatônico, tons inteiros, frígio-dórico, octônico regular, tritonal menor, and falsa relação-harmônica. Ernst Mahle has written out the mode at the end of each piece, as you can see in the following excerpt from the first movement.
The music was engraved by Ernst Mahle himself and is available in a full score that will function as a performance edition for a guitar duo. It is available for free download below.
I am personally very excited that Maestro Mahle has composed a great new piece for guitar duo. It is brilliant that he has based each piece on a different mode, some of them quite exotic. I hope that every guitar duo in the world will try these pieces out and schedule them for a public performance.
Jeff Anvinson
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